Sunday, February 21, 2021

Right, Wrong, Twists And Turns, Castles In The Sky.Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness. Politics... & Insights.Head Counts.

Ready for the Manners Series: Manners For Millions- Kissed a frog,Mules for the pills of dung, RV campers.
Nice guy 58 white love giving oral and can trade you for fun. In Montclair now. Text 760-851-2267. KINGS, KNIGHTS, LEADERS OF THE BAND, HANDS TO HOLD, WHILE WE CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN Together. Black, Rite, Read, Clowns, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Cattle Drives, Rats To Roaches, Faces In The Herds, Jackasses All Day Long.What panties go best with I don’t give a fuck anymore.
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Nice guy 58 white love giving oral and can trade you for fun. In Montclair now. Text 760-851-2267. KINGS, KNIGHTS, LEADERS OF THE BAND, HANDS TO HOLD, WHILE WE CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN Together. Black, Rite, Read, Clowns, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Cattle Drives, Rats To Roaches, Faces In The Herds, Jackasses All Day Long.What panties go best with I don’t give a fuck anymore.

 Right, Wrong, Twists And Turns, Castles In The Sky.Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness. Politics... & Insights.Head Counts.

This is a black coyote.. defending its pups.. I read on FB that they are being pushed out of their natural habitat .. like all of our precious animals these days for what they call progress..When I seen a few comments that they should all be killed..
Nice guy 58 white love giving oral and can trade you for fun. In Montclair now. Text 760-851-2267. KINGS, KNIGHTS, LEADERS OF THE BAND, HANDS TO HOLD, WHILE WE CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN Together. Black, Rite, Read, Clowns, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Cattle Drives, Rats To Roaches, Faces In The Herds, Jackasses All Day Long.What panties go best with I don’t give a fuck anymore.

THE PROMISES~MEN MAKE~BUT RARELY KEEP~I always look for — and usually find — the positive in any situation. Different every day, but now the blue stars are out, shooting.Friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you always know where they are…
All Lives Matter."HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common. Today, once, moments lost..On the way to the weekend.This includes our animal brothers and sisters.THE PROMISES~MEN MAKE~BUT RARELY KEEP~I always look for — and usually find — the positive in any situation. Different every day, but now the blue stars are out, shooting.Friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you always know where they are…
Practice problems to share, classes on the shores of time and space. Happy notes taken on frogs and freaks. Hazes of lies from land whales Leaving the snakes to bake and burn.DON'T BE AFRAID TO OFFEND THOSE WCL THAT DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE'Fat And Wide,whatever” I mean fuck you.

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Green Lights, Trees To Woods, Spiders and Snakes, in the dark. Gifts to share, tales in the air, monkeys to dodge, good time, classes under the trees. Time to take a minute or two, recapitulation to do, lessons learned the first time. Practice not to fail, life lessons on love and hate, joys and pains, joys and pleasures.

Nice guy 58 white love giving oral and can trade you for fun. In Montclair now. Text 760-851-2267. KINGS, KNIGHTS, LEADERS OF THE BAND, HANDS TO HOLD, WHILE WE CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN Together. Black, Rite, Read, Clowns, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Cattle Drives, Rats To Roaches, Faces In The Herds, Jackasses All Day Long.What panties go best with I don’t give a fuck anymore

 'WHEN YOU  Follow, THE MASSES .Sometimes THE M IS SILENT'.  Right, Wrong, Twists And Turns, Castles In The Sky.Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness. Politics... & Insights.Head Counts.

 'TRUMP is the SYMPTOM CAPITALISM is the DISEASE SOCIALISM IS THE CURE! yfor Socialism Liberation WE APPLAUD YOU. YOU LITTLE FOOLS.'   See i don't understand the me of yesterday everyday. Right, Wrong, Twists And Turns, Castles In The Sky.Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness. Politics... & Insights.Head Counts.

Skying Writing, Sky-walking, LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK.   Israel’s Last Prophet, Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young .Mountains To Climb — Smooching Frogs.Daily Journey. A PERSON'S MIND IS SO POWERFUL. WE CAN INVENT, CREATE, EXPERIENCE, AND DESTROY THINGS WITH THOUGHTS ALONE.' Right, Wrong, Twists And Turns, Castles In The Sky.Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness. Politics... & Insights.Head Counts.

Back In Time, Lovers, Haters, Good Time Toads, Paths To Cross.Twists And Turns, Snakes,Spiders Worms: Good Time Frogs, Snakes, Spiders And Worms.    Remember the time. Different every day. Sunny And Bright Today. Cheers. World is an illusion, Silence is golden, stillness begins it all:Speck up, stand out, chances to talk, write your heart out. Every mind is its own world. 

Gain happiness.Politics & Insights.Head Counts.Dicks, Dawgs, Dates, Plenty Of Frogs To Kiss: Lessons Daily, Mountains Top.  Charmed for life.Dawn the Rebirth: 3 Hard Knocks:Witches, babes, movies hits. Here to us, the lucky breaks, twists and turns, mud shots in the dark. No photo description available.    

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All Lives Matter."HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common. Today, once, moments lost..On the way to the weekend.This includes our animal brothers and sisters.

This is a black coyote.. defending its pups.. I read on FB that they are being pushed out of their natural habitat .. like all of our precio...