Saturday, January 16, 2021

THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY✰Paths Crossed: Trades.Very nice to meet you !TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:

Looking back on the way things are, and the way, I would like to have, or be, over time, have to start here, in the now: walks in the park, hands to hold, over the bumps in the road, crazy to you, or not, who really cares. ✰THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY✰Paths Crossed: Trades.Very nice to meet you !TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves. I was smiling yesterday, I'm smiling today, and I will smile tomorrow simply 'cause .

 Bob Diamond: Connections For Houses After Foreclosure. Money To Share.Love conquers all! I would love to runaway with you and do something we won't forget.THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY✰Paths Crossed: Trades.Very nice to meet you !TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:

To end: effects never dies on one hand and no on the other hand: define as next opportunity, turning the page and moving forward. Fuck views of others, get up and dance away from blues of fish in the sea.THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY✰Paths Crossed: Trades.Very nice to meet you !TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:

More than one view to share the mistakes, the misunderstanding, the lessons learned from the lasting impressions made in the past year or two, maybe a lifetime in the past.BREAKING News: Dicks, dogs, and cheap tricks, games to play, lovers, and haters:Vaccination:THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY✰Paths Crossed: Trades.Very nice to meet you !TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:

"You will never stop our spirits. "Sadness is a sloth." A young writer creates a strong poem thanks to a teacher's triumph during online learning. DO NOT SPOIL WHAT YOU HAVE BY DESIRING WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE. REMEMBER THAT WHAT YOU NOW HAVE WAS ONCE AMONG THE THINGS YOU ONLY HOPED FOR. EPICURUS'

 Anywhere with you is where I want to be. Let's runaway, far away Let's do something we won't forget. It is ABOUT the SUNSHINE.THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY✰Paths Crossed: Trades.Very nice to meet you !TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:

Image may contain: 1 person, playing a musical instrument and outdoor

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All Lives Matter."HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common. Today, once, moments lost..On the way to the weekend.This includes our animal brothers and sisters.

This is a black coyote.. defending its pups.. I read on FB that they are being pushed out of their natural habitat .. like all of our precio...