Friday, November 13, 2020

Don't settle in relationships. It's just a setup for more trouble and unhappiness.Free Rides: Nothing for free, tricks and trades to exchanges, walks in the park, classes in the woods.

 TRUE LOVE T- Trust R- Romance U- Understanding E- Excitement L- Listening O- Overcoming V- Valuable E- EVERYTHING..Love and honor, love and mistakes, love and giants on land. Just Saying, Watch Out, Plenty Of Fish, Lots Of Frogs, Good Time Toads, Faces In The Crowds.

Don't settle in relationships. It's just a setup for more trouble and unhappiness.Free Rides: Nothing for free, tricks and trades to exchanges, walks in the park, classes in the woods.

Thanks for service, thanks for share, cheers and chaps, to the military, veterans now, one frog in the air, back on track to see home. In your skin, always home, views of family, within yourself, in the center, me, myself, and the voices with in, over time, over space. Angels in the air, angels to watch, angels to guide, angels with messages from the dead.
Angels Calls, History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds In Flight. Earth Angels In Lights:Bitches 5 Stars, Dames, 💕💚Disney Fan Theories That Actually Hold Up...Back In Time, Dimes To Drop, NY escapees. dicks, dawgs, and dates. Angels Calls, History Across The Lines.
Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds In Flight. Family Affairs.☔☔. Liars:Kick a dawg when he is down, dicks, dawgs, donkey dates, trips to hell and back with a hog. Sisters of color, have things to say. How many kids to have out of the fag, 8 tomorrow, back to back. Cows to call home, pages to books.
Image may contain: 3 people

Don't settle in relationships. It's just a setup for more trouble and unhappiness.Free Rides: Nothing for free, tricks and trades to exchanges, walks in the park, classes in the woods.

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All Lives Matter."HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common. Today, once, moments lost..On the way to the weekend.This includes our animal brothers and sisters.

This is a black coyote.. defending its pups.. I read on FB that they are being pushed out of their natural habitat .. like all of our precio...